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Fourth Grade Music

In fourth grade Music, we learn about each instrument family in depth, and how the instruments can be combined into an orchestra. At the beginning of the second semester, we will go on a field trip as a grade level to see the Garland Symphony Orchestra!


We will continue to build on rhythmic and melodic concepts by working with sophisticated music that includes compound rhythms and all of the solfege pitches (a system of identifying notes in a scale) but one. We will put all of these elements into context by reading music from the staff as part of the process to create, compose, and read with these complex elements. This year we will progress in our journey to learn to sing in two parts by learning to sing rounds (one song sung by several groups beginning at different times)


In fourth grade the students will be able to join our school choir, as well as the Garland Children's Chorus if they would like. We will also be learning to play the recorder, as well as continuing to play on drums, barred instruments, and rhythm sticks. The games and folk dances learned in this grade are increasingly complex and very fun to watch and participate in!

Conductor Leading Orchestra
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